Thursday, March 4, 2010

A Newsletter from Ollie's Frozen Custard

1. Welcome
2. Flavors for March
3. Product Information.
4. Did You Know?
5. Web Site Discount Specials
6. Win a FREE LUNCH @ Ollie’s
7. Ollie’s Sillies
8. Subscribe
Hello Ollie Lovers!
I hope you enjoy our 1st issue of our monthly Newsletter.
Please read it and let me know what you think.
My email address is
I look forward to your comments and suggestions.
Thanks for your support!
2.-Chocolate Malted
3.-Orange Pineapple
5.-Mud Pie
6.-Black Raspberry
7.-Butter Pecan
9.-Chocolate Almond
10.-Maple Walnut
11.-Amaretto Cherry & Choc. Pieces
12.-Strawberry Cheesecake
13.- Black Raspberry
14.- Butter Pecan
15.-Cookies N Cream
To see the rest of the month or to make
a copy of our Flavor Calendar
Click on this link
Our website! – Can be reached using either of the following names

Shakes and Malts! -- We make the best in town! Choose from 8
different flavors. Chocolate, Vanilla, Strawberry, Banana, Blueberry,
Raspberry, Peach and Coffee.

Boston Shake!-Is our Regular Milk Shake topped with a small
sundae on top plus whip cream & a cherry.

Ollie Bites! -- What are they? Chips Ahoy Chocolate Chip cookies
with Ollie’s Vanilla in the middle. Yum! Located in our store
take-out freezer.

Ollie Bars! –Vanilla Custard dipped in Chocolate and sitting on a
stick. The perfect take home snack. Try a plain one or with
toasted almonds. Located in our store take-out freezer.

NATHANS Hotdogs-We proudly Serve America’s favorite
Hot dog. (Since 1916) with 6 FREE topping. Ketchup, Mustard,
Spicy Mustard, onions, sweet relish or Sauerkraut. Chili add $.50

Sugar FREE!- Did you know that we serve Chocolate Sugar FREE
every Monday and whatever the Flavor is on Wednesday we also
make it in Sugar FREE. Vanilla is served on Tuesday, Thursday &
Friday and we now have a Sugar FREE version of Black Raspberry
on Saturday & Butter Pecan on Sunday.

NUTS! – Most of the nuts served @ Ollie’s are imported from Chicago
By The Ricci Family. They are originally from Italy and have been roasting
and selling nuts in Chicago since 1919. Visit them on the web @

Ollie’s Punch Cards!- Pick one up next time your
at the store. Make 12 purchases of $2.24 of more
and get a FREE regular sundae.(A $3.99 value)

Credit Cards! -- As a service to you, Ollie’s accepts
All Credit Cards by using our in-store ATM machine.
There is a small fee and you can get $10, $20 or $30
Instantly using our ATM machine.

Signature Sundaes- These are our large Sundaes &
We currently have 6 of them.
1-The Schwartz-named after the founder of The Villages.

2-Banana Split-The Biggest in the Villages.
3-The Turtle-Hot Fudge, Caramel & Roasted Pecans
4-The Strawberry Volcano

5-The Villager-Like a Banana Split but nuttier.
6-4 Berry Lovers-Our Newest Creation

Stop by our web- site and check out our
sundae descriptions and photos.
** St. Patrick's Day honors St. Patrick, the patron saint of
Ireland. March 17 was not the day he was born but the day he
died. Even though we don't know the date of his birth, most
scholars believe the year was 385 AD and the year of his death
was 461 AD.

** Far from being an arbitrary indicator of the changing seasons,
March 20 (March 21 in some years) is significant for astronomical
reasons. On March 20, 2010, at precisely 1:32 P.M. EDT, the
Sun will cross directly over the Earth's equator. This moment
is known as the vernal equinox in the Northern Hemisphere. For
the Southern Hemisphere, this is the moment of the autumnal

** It has been medically proven that pessimism raises blood
pressure. The more pessimistic a person is, the more likely
he or she is to die earlier than optimistic counterparts.

** On a clear day with blue skies, lightning can jump outside
of its parent cloud and travel for more than five miles
through clear air. This is called the "bolt from the blue"
phenomenon. The study of lightning is called keraunopathology.

** Thomas Edison, "the Wizard of Menlo Park," established an
"invention factory," the first industrial research laboratory,
with the hope of producing a new invention every ten days. In
one 4-year period, he obtained 300 patents, or one every
five days.

** When Elizabeth I of Russia died in 1762, 15,000 dresses
were found in her closets. She used to change what she was
wearing two and even three times an evening.

** The earliest known photograph of the star-spangled banner
was made at the Boston Navy Yard in 1873.

** As an advertising gimmick, Carl Mayer, nephew of lunchmeat
mogul Oscar Mayer, invented the company's "Wienermobile."
On July 18, 1936, the first Oscar Mayer® "Wienermobile" rolled
out of General Body Company's factory in Chicago. Wienermobiles
still tour the U.S. today.
Click on the link below for our current discount coupon.
Print the page and clip the coupon. It's easy.
Hurry – The current offer expires on March 14, 2010!
Each subscriber to this newsletter is
automatically entered into a drawing each month
For a FREE LUNCH @ Ollie’s consisting
Of a NATHAN’s Hotdog, potato chips &
a soda. Who says there is no such thing as a

Watch your incoming e-mail, you may be a winner soon!
Also, tell your friends & family to subscribe.
Click on the link below to subscribe
They could be winners too!
In a rush to work one morning, I pulled up to the
drive-through window at a fast-food restaurant and ordered
some coffee.

Because I was in a hurry, I asked them to put a couple
of ice cubes in the coffee so it would cool down more
quickly and I could drink it faster.

I sat there at the pick-up window for a few minutes, wondering
where they had to go to get my coffee, when a frustrated
teenager finally came up and said, "I'm sorry for the delay,
but the ice you wanted in your coffee keeps melting!"
This newsletter is only sent to people who subscribed.
Our member list is not made available to others.

TO SUBSCRIBE: If you received this newsletter from a
friend and you'd like to SUBSCRIBE, simply click on the
link below and put you name & e-mail address in the box.